behavioral symptoms of depression in detail

Behavioral symptoms of depression are an expression of the physical and psychological suffering experienced by a depressed individual. Additionally, these behaviors can be traps that further tighten depression's grip on the patient. Sometimes, they can tragically lead to suicidal behavior, ending a person's life permanently, God forbid.

behavioral symptoms of depression in detail
behavioral signs of depression

behavioral symptoms of depression

The behavioral symptoms of depression may vary from one patient to another, but the common factor remains that they manifest in all degrees and stages of depression, with varying levels of severity. For instance, behavioral deviations often begin in the early stages of depression, whereas suicidal ideation tends to occur in the later stages. Therefore, this aspect is crucial in assessing the patient's condition and promptly devising treatment plans to prevent the exacerbation of symptoms.

Behavioral symptoms of depression are rarely noticed by the patient themselves, as they are typically within the realm of the unconscious mind and are intertwined with the depressed individual's personality. Especially when experiencing prolonged episodes of depression, it becomes challenging for them to recognize these symptoms. Consequently, they may resort to substance abuse or contemplate suicide without realizing it or feeling remorse or considering divine retribution. Only a mental health professional has the ability to diagnose a patient's depressive state, utilizing the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association.

I, personally, Abdelhadi Elazghi, the owner of this website, have experienced and struggled with the behavioral signs of depression. It was difficult for me to overcome them, as I would escape through certain behaviors, such as internet addiction, as I felt that it provided me with comfort and tranquility—the means to escape the clutches of depression that haunted me. Consequently, I would spend extended periods browsing websites and forums. However, I realized later on that I was sinking further into the physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms of depression. I had to put an end to this by regulating my daily internet usage and attempting to engage more with the real world. I tried and failed multiple times, but each failure only increased my determination and resolve. Eventually, I achieved success, overcoming the behavioral symptoms of depression.

behavioral signs of depression in detail

● Aggression and Hostility: Some people believe that a depressed individual is a kind and sad person who isolates themselves from others and cannot pose a danger to others. However, this is a misconception about depressed patients. Studies and scientific research conducted on prisoners experiencing depressive episodes in their cells confirm that the rates of violence and aggression towards others increase significantly. This can be scientifically explained by the increase in certain chemical enzymes called "Monoamine oxidases" (MAO), also known as the violence enzyme. MAO plays a role in breaking down certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

● Behavioral Deviations: Among the common behavioral symptoms of depression are behavioral deviations. Depressed individuals often resort to these deviations consciously or unconsciously as the only means to alleviate their physical and psychological suffering. However, these behavioral deviations can trap the individual in a vicious cycle, making depression tighten its grip on the patient. Some of these deviations include:

- Substance abuse: Many depressed individuals turn to substance abuse as a result of the continuous torment of depression. When they consume drugs that temporarily provide them with a sense of happiness and pleasure, they believe that they are relieving and alleviating their physical and psychological depressive symptoms. However, drug addiction actually exacerbates depression both physically and mentally. Addiction Center confirms that drugs destroy dopamine receptors and reduce dopamine concentration in the synaptic cleft, leading the patient to increase their drug consumption. This plunges the depressed patient into a never-ending cycle that is difficult to break free from.

- Addiction to specific behaviors: Behavioral deviations in depressed patients can sometimes manifest as addiction to specific behaviors, such as internet addiction, fast food and sugary food addiction, shopping addiction, masturbation and pornography addiction, and video game addiction, among others. Some may not realize that these addictive behaviors can have similar detrimental effects on one's health as substance addiction, especially since they often go unnoticed by the patient. The patient may perceive these behaviors as sources of entertainment and self-indulgence, seeking happiness, but they ultimately impact both their physical and psychological well-being.

● Withdrawal and Isolation: Another prominent behavioral symptom of depression is withdrawal and isolation, experienced by the majority of depressed patients. In this state, the patient does not consciously choose to isolate themselves from family or social gatherings, but rather feels compelled to do so. Unconscious forces make the decision, as confirmed by a study that inhibited the hormone oxytocin, known as the love hormone, and observed the behavior of experimental mice. The results showed that mice with inhibited oxytocin experienced isolation and withdrawal compared to natural mice that exhibited normal behavior. This experiment leads us to conclude that when individuals with depression isolate themselves from people and society, it is their brains that make that decision on their behalf.

● Self-directed Physical Violence: Another rarely noticed behavioral symptom of depression, often misunderstood by society, is self-directed physical violence. Depressed individuals may harm themselves and seek revenge through severe injuries to their body parts, especially the face and hands, which can lead to severe bleeding and even death. This behavior is often a means of releasing psychological and negative emotional tension onto themselves. However, it results in disfiguring their body's aesthetics, leading to an unappealing image that causes others to avoid and distance themselves from the depressed patient. This exacerbates the patient's physical and psychological pain and suffering.

● Suicide: According to the World Health Organization, depression has become one of the leading causes of suicide, claiming numerous lives worldwide, as supported by recent scientific research and studies. When a depressed patient contemplates suicide, it indicates that they have reached advanced stages of physical and psychological suffering that can last for extended periods, often exceeding three years. During this time, the patient loses hope in treatment and recovery, and their desire to live and continue life diminishes. While it is true that.

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عبد الهادي اليزغي
By : عبد الهادي اليزغي
صفحة فيسبوك الصحة فري - لكل مرض علاج قناة يوتيوب الصحة فري - لكل مرض علاج صفحة تويتر الصحة فري - لكل مرض علاج صفحة لنكدن الصحة فري - لكل مرض علاج
I'm depressed for many years, Fortunately, I entered the university and studied Master of Health and neuroscience, my objective is to help people to understand the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment for depression.